Sunday, April 2, 2017

Heading Across The Seas

Cheerio mate! England and Ireland beckon this year as we learn about where it all started, not only for our country, but for both of our families -- the McCartys and the Griffins.

Our journey begins in merry ol' England for a week of exploring including all the sites & sounds of London and a much-anticipated day trip to Highclere Castle a.k.a. Downton Abbey.  Afterwards, we cross the channel to the land of the leprechauns and tackle driving across Irish greens, navigating our way on unfamiliar roads from the righthand perspective. A true test for any marriage.

As has become our custom, we'll blog about our adventures, aiming for three points-of-view: VM / Mom (chief blogger & photographer), HM / 16-yr-old (says she wants to blog & take photos but is often side-tracked by sleep) & EM / 13-yr-old (only blogs if she can have her Mom assistant take dictation!) JM / Dad steadfastly supports the efforts as he manages planes, trains & automobiles with a trio of opionionated females.

We can't wait....
The British Isles will never be the same...


DAY 14: Last Day of British Isles ‘Cation 2017 – Exploring Dublin & Discovering Our Roots

Observation of the Day: Dublin is like being in the middle of an early U2 video. For those of you who are old enough to remember -- you mig...